Friday, December 20, 2024

The Wait Is Over

Yesterday I secured an appointment with my medical oncologist for the morning of December 24. According to him the bone lesion on the femur is almost certainly prostate cancer. The most appropriate treatment for the PC at this time will be androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). The actual drug or combination of drugs remains to be seen, but I'll know next week.

A different doc who is an expert in mesothelioma ordered a bone biopsy for a lesion on the iliac crest, a specific part of the pelvic bone. All four doctors want to know what it is. They say it's unlikely to be mesothelioma, but you never know. That's not scheduled yet but it will probably happen within a few weeks.

Nobody wants to touch the lesion on the spleen. It's hard to biopsy and may bleed. At present the idea is to monitor it. It's all a little frightening, but it's good to have a plan.

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