I’ve been using the word “box” in two different ways. When I think about physical mobility and exercise, I’m thinking about the things that I can and cannot do. If I can do it, then it’s in my box. If I can’t do it, then it’s outside of my box. I care about this because movement and exercise are important for just staying alive. Anything that comes out of my box is a negative. It means I’m forced to abandon an activity and my box just got smaller. Anything that comes into my box is a positive. When I started riding e-bikes my box expanded significantly. When I had shoulder surgery in January my box got smaller. It gradually expanded as the shoulder healed. I want the biggest possible box. When your box is pushing against you from all sides, your next box will be a coffin.
I have
also used “box” to refer to compartmentalization. This is a technique I
described in my book. When you have a lot of things going on in your life it can be overwhelming,
but you can break those things down and focus on one at a time. All of
the other things go into the box (a compartment) until it’s necessary to
retrieve them. You can have as many compartments as you need. It’s a
super-useful technique. I don't want to be pedantic about my dual meanings for "box," so I'll continue to use words interchangeably and let you sort it out.
I’ve got some things compartmentalized that I have to retrieve this week. There is my “six month lease renewal” CT scan to look for anything changing in the chest or abdomen. If there are no changes I put it back in a compartment and walk away, returning in six months. There is also the first follow up on July’s prostate cancer treatment. This will come in the form of a PSA test and I will see the results of that test the same day. There is a specific number that determines my immediate future. Above that number is bad. Below that number is good. The CT scan and the PSA test both come on the same day, this Friday.
On the flipside, I’ve got something going on that could expand my box. If all goes well, it will increase the distance I can walk before my hips get sore. This could be a big win. I’ll get into it a little more in a week or two.
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