Friday, July 19, 2024

Done With Treatment (For Now)

I wrapped up the radiation treatment yesterday. So far I have no side effects, although I'm told to expect some fatigue for a week or two. I am regularly fatigued, mostly from a different illness and a procedure that was done in 2018. That fatigue goes up and down, so it's hard to tell if something new is in play. There may also be some bowel issues, but so far everything is good. 

This most recent prostate problem started back in January and has been sucking up time with multiple appointments and the stress of sorting out the most appropriate treatment. I'm happy to have it in the rear view mirror (for now). I also had shoulder surgery and rehabilitation concurrently. That's over now too. During that time I finished my book and got it launched, although I've dropped the ball on promotion due to health priorities. Now my intent is to get busy with fitness. Especially cycling, which brings me a lot of happiness and is a good metric for strength and endurance. 

What's the plan for the prostate cancer going forward? Well, I get a reprieve for 3 months and then there will be a PSA test. The hope is that the PSA has dropped below 2 and stays there forever. If it doesn't drop to 2 or it starts to go up again, there will be consequences. The next course of action will most likely be drugs to suppress testosterone levels. Worrying about this would be telling myself a bad story, so my concern is suspended until further notice. 

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